Our Private Client team is professionally qualified and experienced in providing advice and support in respect of Tax, Accounting, International Trust and Corporate structuring, and individual estate planning for clients in Singapore and the surrounding Asia region. For clients with UK connections or assets Riverside can assist with advice on Residence, Domicile, Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Income Tax issues.
Examples of the type of services provided include but are not limited to:
• International retirement planning.
• Death Estate Planning.
• Domicile advice, proving a change of domicile and related tax consequences.
• Tax advice on avoiding, commencing or ceasing residence in the UK.
• Remittance basis planning for individuals resident but not domiciled in the UK.
• Inheritance Tax and succession planning for families.
• Practical advice on how to pass wealth to the next generation in a tax efficient, practical
and sensible manner and maintain it, avoiding family conflict.
• UK tax compliance services including the completion of Self-Assessment tax returns and
compliance for individuals, companies and Trustees.
We charge fees for consultancy and advice on a time/cost basis. An initial meeting is generally offered without charge to ascertain the position and gather information followed by an attendance note, recommendation and fee quote for the work via email.
1 North Bridge Road,
#06-16 High Street Centre,
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Regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore under Trust Business Licence Number TC000073